Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Still waiting

We go to our Australian Christmas still unsure whether the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders will be recognised in the Australian Constitution.

We know that the Uluru recommendation for a top Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander body to advise the federal parliament is not accepted at this stage.  The federal government is making a grave error in not accepting this recommendation.  Such a body could comprise leaders from the various indigenous nations within Australia and feed grassroots concerns direct to the federal government.  Thus we would have the potential for informed change from the ground up, not the top down with politicians far removed from the real local issues calling the shots.  Will we ever learn?

In outlining his broad goals for 2018 I didn't hear any mention by Prime Minister Turnbull about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders.  Shame!

May the Force be with us as we try to right the wrongs of 1788!